Preserve the past and embrance the present

Asaalamualaikum n happy Thursday...…

Lama betul ni menyepi diri dr menulis...I love writing ….. whenever I write, I feel like I am reducing the weight on my shoulders. Writing gives me freedom and lift up my mood.. Back to what I am going to write today. Everyday, we meet new people and some stay in life as new friends. Along the way, we do have friends whom we know back from our kindergarten period. Some may stay being our kindergarten friends and some might become our special friends. We share many things and stories during our growing up phase. So on so forth.

But, along the time....Kita sebagai manusia, akan berdepan dengan pelbagai keadaan dan situasi yang mungkin akan mengubah diri kita dan those who used to be so close to us. Change is inevitable. We used to talk silly things and cracked our heads off  for the crazy jokes for hours. But when we have our own families and we moved around the globe. We might be sharing the same memories. But unconsciously, we might have change our perspective of life and the way we react. We might not be able to talk on the same basis anymore. Hmmmmmmmm

Point yg aku nak cakap…..ada masa, tanda2 mcm gini...Satu hint kepada diri sendiri yang people dah move on dan x berdiri atas platform yang sama lagi spt mana belas2 tahun yg lalu. Should we be heart broken knowing that the same person we used to know 15- 20 years ago is no longer the same? Yup, fizikal xdenya nak berubah. I am talking about characteristics...What should we do after several attempts to bring it back the 'old and funky' of them. End up, as if we are talking to someone we just met at random shopping mall isle? So many rules to follow and we have no freedom to speak anymore. Hmmmmm a little bit of let down to be honest and confusing at the same time. How can someone you used to be so close, change turn into someone totally different? After several occasions, heart tells that we need to move on and keep the old good memories as a reminder that we used to share the same brainwaves and such. No need to break the friendship, just need to let down your expectations  to keep you from heartache when you don't get the response that you longing for. Panjang betul bicara ni...hiihihi

Oraits...I am already moving on and life wont wait for those who dwell in the past, right? Till then....I am signing off coz I need to finish my overdue corrections task. 5 months to victory and freedom. InsyaAllah….


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