Last week masa aku atas bus on e way nak gi keje part time aku usual..aku amik Metro newspaper (free)...belek2 n aku terbaca satu artikel nie...yg menarik perhatian aku...
"Tajuk- Britain shamed by filthy kitchen :
Britain has some of the filthiest homes in the developed world, a report shows. The potentially fatal E.Coli bug was found on one in four (1: 4) dishclothes and 15% of sinks in tests on nation's kitchens. Nine in ten cloths (9:10) were also found to be crawling with germs and bacteria, a study by the Hygiene Council found.
Britain came low in a survey of seven countries, finishing finished ahead of only India and Malaysia- with South Africa topping the poll. Britons need to learn it is more important to have a clean kitchen sink than a sparkling toilet if they want to keep themselves healthy, the council said."
Conclusionnya...ada banyak conclusion...hehehe....dapur kite kat malaysia...ok lagi dr kat sini eh?? dapur kite pun sama x bersih cam kat UK gak ker??...coz kite termasuk dlm senarai kalau tang toilet tu..mmg aa toilet diorng bersih..air x!!..iskhhh x leh nak cakap..tengit!!....especially toilet kat public areas cam kat mall, bus station...coz depa nie...x guna air...main lap2 kalau aku nak travel mana2..abang aku pesan...mesti bawa botol air- standby.. :)
p/s: Air tujuan untuk menyucikan...sebab tu la air tu jangan laa pulak membazir air...hehehe..(hmm..bestnya kalau dpt mandi kat waterfall..pastu ada lak ayam BBQ kat tepi tu...besh..besh..besh....ZZzzzzz)
"Tajuk- Britain shamed by filthy kitchen :
Britain has some of the filthiest homes in the developed world, a report shows. The potentially fatal E.Coli bug was found on one in four (1: 4) dishclothes and 15% of sinks in tests on nation's kitchens. Nine in ten cloths (9:10) were also found to be crawling with germs and bacteria, a study by the Hygiene Council found.
Britain came low in a survey of seven countries, finishing finished ahead of only India and Malaysia- with South Africa topping the poll. Britons need to learn it is more important to have a clean kitchen sink than a sparkling toilet if they want to keep themselves healthy, the council said."
Conclusionnya...ada banyak conclusion...hehehe....dapur kite kat malaysia...ok lagi dr kat sini eh?? dapur kite pun sama x bersih cam kat UK gak ker??...coz kite termasuk dlm senarai kalau tang toilet tu..mmg aa toilet diorng bersih..air x!!..iskhhh x leh nak cakap..tengit!!....especially toilet kat public areas cam kat mall, bus station...coz depa nie...x guna air...main lap2 kalau aku nak travel mana2..abang aku pesan...mesti bawa botol air- standby.. :)
p/s: Air tujuan untuk menyucikan...sebab tu la air tu jangan laa pulak membazir air...hehehe..(hmm..bestnya kalau dpt mandi kat waterfall..pastu ada lak ayam BBQ kat tepi tu...besh..besh..besh....ZZzzzzz)
Syok ler ko ekss...