Hari ke-5 @ Manchester
with kak ina at e hospital...she is my childhood friend..she gave a birth to a very adorable baby girl...
Arissa, kak ina's eldest daughter....a very talkative young lady...keep on asking lots n lots of question..n making me cracked my head up to be able to anwers all those queries....huh...sabar jer laa....
Jersey Fold, Buckshaw Village- kak ina's neighbourhood.....
Arissa with Zarra.....Adam dont like his pitcure to be taken...n at that time, dia merajuk....
Lepas beraya seharian kat Newcastle, we embarked to e next destination that evening...Manchester..to pay a visit to my cousin n my childhood friend...smpai pun dh malam....n abang nik xde kat umah, sbb teman kak ina kat labour room....so e next morning...after spending time with their kids...we went to e hospital...lawat kak ina n baby...n lepas tu...terus sambung perjalanan...pulang ke Soton....we'll pay visit next time...insyallah....pewwhh.....letih....buat happy at e same time......lepas nie...lama pulak laa nak g jalan2....hehehe....
Lepas beraya seharian kat Newcastle, we embarked to e next destination that evening...Manchester..to pay a visit to my cousin n my childhood friend...smpai pun dh malam....n abang nik xde kat umah, sbb teman kak ina kat labour room....so e next morning...after spending time with their kids...we went to e hospital...lawat kak ina n baby...n lepas tu...terus sambung perjalanan...pulang ke Soton....we'll pay visit next time...insyallah....pewwhh.....letih....buat happy at e same time......lepas nie...lama pulak laa nak g jalan2....hehehe....
kami xde laa slalu jalan2 sgt.....hehehe... tp kalo jalan jauh pun..xde terasa sangat..sbb minyak kat sini skrng dlm 85.9 sen selitre..n jalan dr selatan smpai ke utara UK pun...x yah kena bayar tol...tu yg laju jer kalo nak g jalan tu ;)
sejuk...ok laa..xde laa sejuk mcm kat siberia nun..masih leh bertahan...mandi?? hehehe...mesti mandi punya dlm sehari...org melayu xleh tahan kalo x mandi..lain laaa omputih ;) seminggu sekali daaa
dengar tgh wat proposal, caya la k.wa. =).