Penyakit lama timbul balik.............
Sebagai contohnya, jika tidak kerana kegelapan, nescaya nikmat cahaya tidak akan diketahui. Jika tidak kerana kesejukan maka nikmat kepanasan tidak akan diketahui. Jika tidak kerana lapar nescaya nikmat kelazatan ketika makan tidak akan diketahui. jika tidak kerana dahaga maka nikmat minum air ketika dahaga tidak akan diketahui. Jika TIDAK KERANA PENYAKIT, NESCAYA NIKMAT KESIHATAN YANG KITA HIRUP SELAMA INI TIDAK AKAN DIKETAHUI.
“Tidaklah menimpa seorang mukmin rasa sakit yang terus menerus, kepayahan, penyakit, dan juga kesedihan, bahkan sampai kesusahan yang menyusahkannya, melainkan akan dihapuskan dengan dosa-dosanya”. (HR. Muslim no. 2573).
Semenjak dua menjak aku banyak terlibat dgn aktiviti yg memerlukan otak nie....penyakit lama aku dtg balik...GASTRIC...ada masa mild...leh semalam...kembali semula mcm masa aku sekolah rendah dulu...mujur laa xde perhimpunan sekolah...idak...compom laa....ada yg kena usung masuk pusat kesihatan....huhuhu.....x pun..kena antar balik umah.....kat Uniten pun...pernah laa x amik final...tetiba blackout on the way nak gi dewan!!
Tp org kata...tetamu pembawa rezeki dan penyembuh sakit...walau kul 4 pagi semalam...rasa mcm dh nak collapse ( mmg collapse pun...siap nampak bintang2..bulan...hihihi) pagi tu..lepas borak kejap ngan tetamu...rasa ok skitt....Thanks to my dearest hubby yg begitu memahami...siap tlng prepare breakfast- bihun Singapore lagi!! lepas diorng balik...terus aku pengsan...nie pun..ada saki baki lagi...badan rasa kepala mcm ting-tong..lepas nie...tido jap..hihihi....
reminder...utk diri sendiri, aku nak cuba these remedies...nak reducekan acidic dlm perut den yg bergelora nie...demi masa depan..chewwaahh...InsyaAllah:
1.Acidity can be a result of defective digestion or stress. It is the accumulation of liquid inside the cavity. It is a common problem; it may be associated with overeating, constipation, menstruation, food allergy and certain diseases.
2.Sleeping after meals doubles gas and acidity that increases burning and sour sensation.Drink hot water after meals for easy digestion, it is also good for weight reduction.Include ginger, mint leaves and garlic in your daily food. These are good for easy gas and acidity.
3.Reduce daily intake of coffee and tea. Drink enough water every day to keep you healthy.Avoid eating sweets after the meals and stop drinking water after eating sweets.Include fruits in your morning meal. Fibers and natural supplements help to retain energy and overcome acidity related problems of the stomach.
4.Avoid factors that make stress. Do not forget that stress is a reason for many diseases and controlling stress is enough for curing many diseases.
5.Avoid spicy foods, vinegar, black tea, chocolate etc. these are a reason for gas and acidity.Drinking coconut water daily is good for gas and acidity
6.Eat vanilla ice cream or drink a glass of cold milk to get immediate relief from gas and acidity.
7.Take one piece of clove and chew it slowly. This is a good way to give you relief from acidity within minutes.
8.Take a piece of ginger and chew it with little bit salt. This is good for immediate relief from gas and acidity
9.Avoid raw vegetable salads like onion, cabbage and radish. These are acidity generating vegetables.
10.Place a piece of jaggery in the mouth and suck it slowly, till acidity settles.Chewing basil leaves is good for acidity.
Acigon syrup
Acigon syrup is good for gastritis and acidity. Formation of gas in the stomach or the intestines is primarily due to defective digestion because the foods undigested are not properly assimilated into the system and the presence of waste goes on putrefying. It may be accompanied with pain in the region of the stomach, flatulence, eructation’s, a foul taste in the mouth, heart burn and general feeling of discomfort.
No.5 tu....bab spicy tu....aduh...mmg aku agak sukar membuat bukan peminat coffee..tea etc....
No.6 tu...mmg xde hal....aku mmg peminat vanilla ice-cream & dairy products tahap gaban....mmg top of my list....jadi combination of both...harap2nya leh jadi ker pkai concept tu..utk makanan??? hehehe...hentam saja laaa...
Aku redha dan bersyukur sbb Allah selalu ingat kat aku...sbb tu laa slalu dpt least sakit aku sementara...apa lah sgt berbanding dgn nikmat yg aku terima selama2 bernafas atas muka bumiNya....Alhamdulillah......I am blessed...