One and only photo with my mum that i have in my collection during my pregnancy (opss...apart from those taken in March, 2010). Taken 3 days before i gave birth to my little one (38 weeks) ....thanks Su for ur hospitality & superb soto...merasa gak makan soto sebelum berpantang :D & I weighted 70kg at that time....
37 days of confinement...errmm..breaking the rules (staying at home)..hehehe...taken last Su's house for berbuka puasa with our closest friends...taken from Nory's BBerry ;) while Haikal weighted 3.5 ++kg...his mum weighted 58kg....

thanks to:
'strict food pantang"+ sleepless nights (major contribution)+ breastfeed= 56kg...
back to my ideal n normal weight...hopefully i'll keep on maintaing this ideal weight...
next mission is to 'hilangkan' all those spare tyres....huhuhu...
i wanna be like Heidi does she managed to do it every time...???
if she can do it...hell yes....i can do it too... ;)
only time will tell............
So, slm aidilfitri n jgn lah syahdu sgt....nanti Muhammad Haikal dah fit untuk fly, balik lah..
Looking at u, aku rasa ko x naik kot sbb ko jenis slim gitu. Jgn compare ngan heidi klum beb...dia byk duit, boleh pi buat lipo and ada personal trainer...apa kisah...
Anyway, selamat menjaga badan...jgn jadi cam aku :))
huhu...badan terkezut kot ngan jadual baru nie...Oooh xper...aku tengok ko ok jer neny...slim jer..
pasal heidi klum tu..mcm magic pun ada gak..lepas sebulan dh leh buat catwalk ;) hihihi...