Geng Charity saya...Part 2
2 weeks before the long holidays, we had a great nite out...It was a modest but great dinner party ;) at Mitre. Actually, the dinner was scheduled 1 week earlier but due to severe weather conditions (but who's to blame for the snow?) , the dinner was rescheduled since most of all cant make it on that day. Just got the news from Nikki after we reached Soton that evening, or else we can take our leisure time driving back from London...Huiissh....what to do ;) I'll tell later about our London trip in next entry..coz it was not our routine London visits like we always do..
back to the main story, apart from the foods....we had great time that night...while few of us on the dance floor after the 'gifts away ceremony"...I just hang out with the rest at the table..We were exchanging stories to kill the time before we called off for the day and headed back home..