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oNe & oNLy....
U guys must be wondering....apakah ini??? this thing has been in my possession for nearly 17 years...yup 17 years since I was in my secondary is my favourite and most reliable brooch ever!!! a special present given by dearest abah on one of his trip to Australia....this pressed flower brooch has never failed me...always there to make sure that my appearance is simple n nice...hehehe....I thought that I have lost it 2 months ago, on my way to my friends' graduation ceremony....I felt so lost n sad when I tried to find it and nowhere to be found...I even looked into ebay...trying my best to find at least similar brooch...none!! Only few pressed flower brooches available to bid...but to my disbelief...those brooches felt under collectable items...huwwaaa.... I even went to charity shops, trying my luck in case I can find this type of brooch there...but still no where to be found....
I was so frustrated n mad with myself for being clumsy....but still have high hope of finding it one day..though the chances are really..really slim....
Alhamdulillah....yesterday...I cant believe when I saw this one and only favourite brooch in MH's stroller!!!! yeaaay!!! Thanks very much Allah....