His 1st football training

Hari nie sempat lagi aku temankan MH punya 1st football training dekat Eastleigh. Tapi sayang x sempat nak capture Muhammad main2 dgn friends..sgt comel bila bebudak kecik main football..salute to the trainers yg begitu sabar and ceria melayan bebudak kecik nie...suruh tendang sana...g tendang sini..suruh sepak..g bawa lari bola bagi kat parents..especially yg baya2 Muhammad termasuk ler Muhammad sekali...but they had great fun during the session. It is all about receiving instructions, self-esteem, sharing and having fun..and indirectly learn the skills..

The 1st half hour, they were still listening to the instructions given but 2nd 1/2 hour later...90% of them just dont bothered anymore with the instructions and ran 'amok' around the hall...hahahaha...tp sgt2 comel..ada yg younger dari Muhammad dan siap pakai full kits England..Walla....n yg kecik2 tu ditemani dgn ayah diorng..termasuk gak Muhammad...At the end of the day, kids were presented with cookies n brownies for their efforts..Yeyeye..cakap Muhammad...


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