I survived 2 1/2 months....

Tik tok tik tok.....October almost gone and November is just around the corner to step in. Phewww....I pula sedang berkira-kira x lama lagi masa utk cross the continents and say Hi to an equatorial climate...Walla....yup I had survived the test 2 1/2 months away from the beloved ones. Time flies when you need to juggle and meet up with the deadlines! Plus, you have a bunch of great friends...

Previous post, I ada cakap nak share I punya tips bagaimana nak melalui detik2 'berseorangan' ini..I bet that there are supermoms who experience similar situation like mine too. Tapi ini kaedah-kaedah yang 'berjaya' membuatkan I rasa ok:

1. Skyping everyday...hehehehe....housemates and friends semua dah acknowledge that between 1-2.30 pm is my skyping time with the loved ones...semenjak jam moved 1 hour backward, my skyping hours are between 12.00- 1.30pm.

2. Stay positive. Mind over body.....bunyi mcm warrior laa sgt kan. Tapi perlu kot...aheeemmm...

3. Shopping...haaa ini bukan shopping diri sendiri sgt. Asal shopping je, barang diorng...asal barang diorng je I shopping...jadi beg tu dah penuh dgn brg2 diorng..dari Optimus Prime, Elmo sampai laa tiang gol pun I bawa balik!!

4. Doa..dan doa...supaya Allah berikan kekuatan mental dan fizikal....

5. Appreciation. Always appreciate what your other half did for you and your kids...He is my hero :)

6. Just enjoy your time......me time......

7. Avoid the guilty feelings because you are not there....payah bab ni...bukan nak cakap x perlu rasa bersalah..tapi perlu focus apa yg perlu dilakukan..at e end of the day, apa yg I buat adalah utk diorng juga (ini mcm kata-kata nak bagi sedap hati jugak sebenarnya..supaya tak terjeremus dalam lembah emosi..hohoho)..
Dilema yang ramai ibu2 juga hadapi...situasi je berbeza...cikgu-cikgu yg PJJ contohnya...or ibu2 yang terpaksa bekerja outstation berbulan2 demi mencari rezeki...cuma in my case, in need to finish what I have started...huhuhu...Ameen...

Oraits, uols.....till then.....,


Neny said…
Tabik hormat Durra!

Juga utk Bad...coz it must be very hard for both of you in this situation. I wouldn't say i understand, because I don't. But i wish you all the best dan cepat2 menggapai impian supaya dapat balik ke pangkuan org2 tersayang :)
Thanks neny...

yup..unless we are in that shoes..dulu aku pun mcm hairan dan pelik bila tengok kawan2 yg situasi mcm ni jugak..skrng bila in that shoes...ok..kena gak redah...
Unknown said…
You are rock bebeh! !

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