2015 sudah....

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera semua...

Hampir sebulan juga, saya x mencoretkan apa-apa penulisan dalam blog ni. Bulan December 2014, for me banyak meninggalkan kesan yg mendalam dalam hati dan sanubari hingga ke lubuk hati. Just wanna jote down two occasions that truly made me thinking on the oneself existence in this world.

1. Maria Zain...

Upon hearing the news on the 28th December, 2014, I was reeling back onto my Uniten days. Back then when she was my study mate, group mate and my bowling partner for Uniten. So many things came into my mind. It took me one whole day to digest the news and Redha that she was no longer with us but she was called back by Our Mighty Creator as her time was up. Though, we had not had a chance to meet physically since her wedding. But we were always had our conversations done in FB. Thanks to the technology the ukhwah can be maintained and continued. I am impressed with her strong- willed to be a fulltime housewife and turned down the high salary pays to look after her family. Before she came to the UK, we had conversations almost everyday as she was preparing her family for the new journey there. She was pregnant with the No. 5 during that time. She loved to call her kids using number. Hehehe...easier. Said her.

In the UK, she loved to update her kids' activities in FB, which was against her earlier principles of public exposure through FB. Maria herself was a photo shy. Almost everyday, she updated her kids' photo and their antics. Luckily she did that. She had so many things in her plate and she made it looked effortlessly. Being a wife, a mother of 5 and international freelance author. She homeschooled all of her kids!! 

She is no longer with us. But her writings will stay forever. May Allah (SWT) count her writings as an on-going charity of beneficial knowledge and have mercy on her, accept her good deeds and grant her the highest ranks of Jannah. Ameen. Al- Fatihah..

Tribute to Maria Zain 1, Tribute to Maria Zain 2
2. Flood in Pantai Timur....

I cant help myself from crying when I looked at the aftermath of the flood. May Allah show His Mercy to us...Innalillah....


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